Join our Georgia based non-profit Red Clay Yoga for a weekend of education, application, and practice at Los Angeles based non-profit Green Tree Yoga & Meditation.
We will hold two modules during the weekend for those who are interested in Yoga, Social Justice, and connecting with Youth through these practices.
All proceeds from this workshop go directly towards both non-profit organizations, Green Tree Yoga and Meditation of South LA & Red Clay Yoga of Atlanta, GA.
Module I
Saturday, May 28th, 2016
12 p.m.- 3 p.m.
Module II
Sunday, May 29th, 2016
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Green Tree Yoga and Meditation
8227 S. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Module I: Suggested Donation $25
Module II: Suggested Donation $35
*Both $50
About the Workshops
Module I: The Fundamentals
This 3-hour module builds the foundation for understanding the ways in which yoga can be used as a tool to connect with youth while encouraging reflective and critical thought. There will be a brief overview of terms used within the fields of social justice, anti-oppressive education, and literacy in relationship to the practice of yoga.
This session is guided by a brief yoga practice, seminar, and discussion. Please bring a journal and pen. There will be a reading assigned upon registration.
Who is this course for?
If you are interested in taking any other Yoga as Praxis courses with Red Clay Yoga (RCY), this is a prerequisite. If you are interested in cultivating or starting your own social justice work by seeking a deeper understanding of the relationship between yoga and activism, this is a great start. Holistically, this course is particularly focused on those who work with youth who have experienced marginalization. Educators, community workers, yoga teachers, youth advocates, anti-oppressive activists, people who experience marginalization, and allies will find this course worthwhile.
Module II: Yoga and Restorative Justice
This 4-hour module integrates practices grounded in yoga and restorative justice. If you are interested in integrating and engaging yoga as education and practical application with groups, this module is a great place to land. This module specifically focuses on the ways in which we establish or set the tone within our learning community as a facilitator or support. This module integrates how to apply liberatory aspects of yoga to the ways we engage our communities.
This session will engage all participants and there will be a brief restorative yoga practice. Please bring a journal and one special item you feel comfortable sharing with the group.
Who is this course for?
In addition to the learning opportunities described in Module I, Yoga and Restorative Justice sessions demonstrate and apply anti-oppressive ways to facilitate group discussions and/or engagement. Techniques learned in this module can be applied across multiple types of gatherings, and are not specific to youth. Methods shared during this module are ideal for groups experiencing conflict, working through collective trauma, or in need of ways to communicate so that all voices are valued and heard.