Wanderlust Wellspring: Palm Springs | October 26 – 28 |

  1. Join me in October in Palm Springs, CA for Wellspring!

What is Wellspring? 

Wellspring is a gathering at the source of wellness. Set in the heart of Palm Springs’ legendary oasis, it’s a chance to surround yourself with practices, ideas and experiences designed to inspire and motivate. With over 200 different classes, lectures, workshops and panels across yoga, meditation, fitness, holistic medicine, nutrition, social change, conscious capitalism and more, it’ll challenge you to think about wellness in a whole new way.

My classes

Friday | October 26th | 12 noon |

Conscious Flow: Mindful Yin, Vinyasa, and Meditation: The session begins with movement through an accessible vinyasa flow, then moves into a restorative yin experience, and ends with guided meditation grounded in connection, reflection, and the ways in which our practice impacts how we show up in the world.

Off the Mat, Into the World Booth

Conversation about Yoga, Literature, and Art Camp for Teen Girls at Spelman College Museum of Fine Art

Friday 2-2:30 pm

Saturday | October 27th | 2:00 pm |

Turn Down to Tune In: A Yoga Nidra Experience: This class is committed to resetting the nervous system through supported and guided meditation known as yoga nidra. This is the perfect class to allow the body to absorb all that the mind and body experiences throughout our days.
Class time devoted to lecture: 5-10 minutes

Saturday Panels

10:30 am

Ambassadors: A New Era of Influencers & Experts  

12:00 pm

The Changing Face of Wellness


Check out my full interview with Wanderlust Fest here.

Use my discount code for savings! DoWell20

Or, follow this link directly to register with savings.